
Anti-Semitism and Kristallnacht Webquest



E= Excellent                 P= Proficient                NY= Not Yet


E   P   NY        Completed all components of the journal. (Only E or NY)


E   P   NY        Evidence of knowledge depth and skills acquired

E   P   NY        Uses own language not the language from the website

E   P   NY        Thinking about the topic is apparent in the answer

E   P   NY        Overall Rating


E   P   NY        Is able to extend the material to answer the question why

E   P   NY        Uses critical thinking skills

E   P   NY        Can make connections between events prior to the 1930s and the 1930s

E   P   NY        Overall Rating


E   P   NY        Answers are historically accurate

E   P   NY        Mechanic mistakes/ errors

E   P   NY        Is neat and legible

E   P   NY        Overall Rating  

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________






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